Food for Thought Plus Fun at Frost Valley

On January 21, Form IV joined the sophomores from the other single-sex independent schools that make up the Interschool, Chapin, Brearley, Collegiate, Nightingale-Bamford and Spence, for a three-day retreat at Frost Valley, an expansive YMCA camp facility, in Claryville, NY. Dean of Students Sam Keany, who accompanied the group, reports:

The tenth graders and peer leaders engaged in a variety of activities, ranging from Broom Ball in a slick, snowy field, to tubing, to square dancing. Discussion sessions run by facilitators introduced conversations regarding school life, adolescence, and important choices each student makes as they move through high school. The students also engaged in thought-provoking discussions led by senior peer leaders from each of the six schools. The Form IV students and faculty had three great days at Frost Valley.
