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Today’s Boys, Tomorrow’s Men

Located on the Upper East Side, The Browning School is a boys’ college preparatory school consistently ranked among the best private schools in NYC.


“The Browning School is built around the idea that relationships are the key to a boy’s success.”

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“Shaping boys the world needs, every step of the way”

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Lower School

The Lower School includes Kindergarten through fourth grade and introduces boys of elementary school age to an integral part of Browning’s mission: a lifelong love of learning.

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Middle School

Browning’s Middle School fosters an environment where boys in fifth through eight grades can step confidently from childhood toward adolescence.

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Upper School

The Upper School at Browning is built upon the close relationships between the high school age students and their teachers.

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“Announcing our New Upper School Building”

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Nothing prepared me more for my career in media than the exemplary faculty guidance I received as editor-in-chief of the Grytte newspaper.
— Christopher Russo ’15, Boston College ’19
Browning has proven time and time again that when the words ‘we are a family’ are used, there is action and sincerity behind them.
— Upper School Parent
Forward thinking, educational, supportive, nurturing, and positive with amazing leadership and staff across the entire spectrum.
— Kindergarten Parent
Forward thinking, educational, supportive, nurturing, and positive with amazing leadership and staff across the entire spectrum.
— Kindergarten Parent

The Browning School Experience

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Our Approach


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Student Life

 The Browning Difference

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Browning Learning System

Modern Masculinities

Middle School Capstone Program

Certifiates of Distinction