Welcome New Families!
Head of School John Botti
Once you enter our Red Doors, you become part of a community that has been caring for boys since 1888. We want you to feel welcome here at Browning, and to help you get to know your way around our school more quickly, we’ve provided some helpful information.
Lower School
Boys should arrive any time between 8:00-8:15 a.m. and proceed directly to their classrooms during that window of time. Boys are considered late if they arrive after 8:20 a.m.
All Lower School boys are dismissed between 2:45 and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Teachers will bring classes out to the sidewalk in front of the building.
Middle and Upper School
Boys are expected to be in their homerooms at 8:10 a.m. Doors open at 8 a.m.
Grades 5-8 are dismissed at 3:20 p.m. each day. Beginning in Grade 5, boys may self-dismiss.
Parents are required to call the School (212-838-6280) or email the front desk at frontdesk@browning.edu before 8:30 a.m. to report an absence for that day. Browning is accountable to the State of New York for recording the daily attendance of all students. Browning requires parents to respect the school calendar and organize family vacations accordingly. The School reserves the right to determine whether or not an absence is excused. All planned absences must be approved in advance by the appropriate Division Head. In the case of an anticipated absence for which the student has received school approval, the student is required to obtain all assignments prior to leaving and complete the work during his absence. Examinations, tests or quizzes that are missed during an unexcused absence cannot be made up. All absences require a parent’s and/or a physician’s letter.
Students who miss 10 or more classes in a semester may, after consultation among teacher, advisor and Division Head, have their semester grade marked down by a letter grade or may be denied credit for the course in the semester.
Middle and Upper School boys may not enter the School until 8:00 a.m. unless they have special permission to enter earlier from a faculty member or an administrator. Middle and Upper School boys are expected to attend homeroom from 8:15 a.m to 8:25 a.m., where information about the day, including any changes to the schedule, are announced. During this period, daily attendance is officially taken. All boys are expected to be in their homerooms in dress code at 8:10 a.m.
Those who arrive after 8:15 a.m. are marked late as they enter the building. Any Middle School or Upper School boy who receives seven “lates” in one semester will be assigned a detention. Repeated detentions for “lates” in a semester, may result in suspension for at least one day. Continued lateness can jeopardize a boy’s relationship with the School.
A boy will be considered absent for the day if he arrives at school after 11 a.m., which means he will have missed half of the academic day. A boy with a morning doctor’s appointment should advise the School in writing at least a day in advance to avoid being marked absent.
Physical education classes are an important part of a boy’s Browning program, and they are mandated by the State of New York. Medical excuses expire after two weeks and must be renewed. In case of serious illness, the Division Head and school nurse should be notified.
After 3:30 p.m., boys remaining in the building should be engaged in an approved activity.
A list of school closures and other important dates can be found here.
All teachers have voicemail and email. If you contact a teacher, he/she will return your call within 24 hours of the next school day. In an emergency, please contact the front desk at 212-838-6280. Browning parents receive emails from the Parents Association, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, and communication from various members of the faculty that keep them updated on school events.
Lower School
Formal Dress:
- All Browning boys are required to observe the School’s dress code. On all occasions when formal dress is required (5-6 times per school year), Lower School boys must wear a dark jacket with a dress shirt, khaki or dark pants, and a tie. Families will be notified of formal dress several days in advance.
Regular Dress:
- Khaki, chino, or dark pants, paired with a red, white, or black Browning polo or turtleneck shirt (with optional sweaters in the same colors) may be worn on days when formal dress is not required. On warm days, boys may wear non-athletic, non-cargo shorts with their polo shirts. Browning polo shirts may be purchased through a link to Land’s End on Veracross, or directly on through Lands End (Browning's school code is 900031170). Sneakers or dress shoes are permitted; however, boys are not allowed to wear jeans athletic pants, or open-toed shoes to school. Socks must be worn with shoes at all times. Please label all items of clothing including coats, hats, and gloves.
Click here for a summary of uniform guidelines for Lower School boys.
Middle and Upper School
Browning boys are expected to present themselves in a manner consistent with the commonly accepted traditions of the School. Extremes in fashion or appearance are not acceptable. Boys in Middle and Upper Schools must wear a sports jacket, dress shirt and tie, dress slacks, close-toed dress shoes (or sneakers) and socks. Boys are expected to present a neat appearance, with their ties properly drawn up and their shirt tails tucked in. No other attire is acceptable in the School or at school functions unless specifically stated in advance. Clothing should be appropriate, neat and clean. Jeans of any color, work pants, cargo or painter’s pants, polo shirts, sweatshirts or hats are not permitted. Sweaters may be worn underneath but not in place of jackets. Non-athletic, solid-color shorts may be worn after Spring Break.
On Fridays, boys may wear Browning Casual dress. Browning Casual permits khaki pants, chino pants, dress shirts, sweaters, and appropriate golf shirts. Appropriate golf shirts have a collar, no writing on them, and have a small logo or no logo at all. No tie or blazer is required, but a boy may wear standard dress code if he would like.
If a student does not properly comply with the Browning Casual attire, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against them for not being in dress code. Browning boys are required to observe Browning’s dress code when attending classes at Interschool, and other students are expected to dress according to their school’s code while at Browning. Students may be sent home if a change of clothes is considered necessary.
Click here for a summary of uniform guidelines for Middle and Upper School boys.
Encore is the School’s extended-day activities program for Kindergarten through Grade 4. For more information about Encore, please contact encore@browning.edu.
Chess: After school chess lessons are offered for one hour or two hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday by registering through Veracross. Professional chess masters teach the fundamentals of the game, including various defensive and offensive strategies. Please contact Giorgi Bakhtadze or Julianne Rowland for more information.
Private music lessons are offered on piano, violin, guitar, cello, trumpet, saxophone, drums, and voice through the Encore program. It is customary for a student who starts lessons in the fall to keep his appointed day and time for the entire school year. The after school music, Encore, and chess programs work together to coordinate, when possible, a student’s participation in more than one of these programs during the course of an afternoon. For more information please contact encore@browning.edu.
Families have access to the Parent Handbook via our Parent Portal. You will receive access to the portal shortly after your son is fully enrolled.
Health forms, including the New York State requirements for physical examination, immunization and athletic participation forms are accessible through the Magnus Student Medical Records portal, and should be updated in advance of each school year. The portal opens in April for the coming year and can be accessed through our parent portal. It is imperative that student medical forms be completed properly and thoroughly by both parent and physician as required by New York State law. Completed forms must be uploaded to the Magnus Student Medical Records portal before a boy may begin classes. Click here for instructions. Please do not email these forms as they must be accessed and approved through the Magnus portal.
Lower School
First and second grade boys receive weekly language instruction, which includes exposure to Spanish and French. In third grade, students choose a full-year beginner course in either French or Spanish, which continues into fourth and fifth grades. At this level, both courses are introductory and focused as much on culture as they are on language acquisition. We believe it is important that children of this age have the opportunity to be exposed to a second language, and that this is as relevant as the actual language acquisition. If, for example, your son is already fluent in one language, we would strongly encourage him to choose the other language.
While we cannot guarantee that every child will receive his first choice, we will try to accommodate all requests and the option to change languages may be available in the future. The selection form will be available by April.
Middle and Upper School
As students enter Grade 6, they are given the opportunity to choose between French, Spanish, and Latin. French and Spanish classes will be a continuation of our current Grades 1-5 program, and Latin will be offered at the introductory level.
New students who enter Browning in Grade 6 and 7 with experience in French and Spanish (or who complete summer work assigned by Browning's World Language department if new to the language) can take a diagnostic assessment to enter the target language class. Alternatively, they will be placed in Latin. New Grade 8 students will be placed into the Grade 8 French or Spanish class and the Grade 8 Latin class. We will recommend summer work to facilitate the transition into these language courses.
Rising Grade 9 students will be offered the option of Mandarin, in addition to our traditional offerings of Latin II, Spanish II, and French II. Students will be able to take two languages if they choose to do so, as long as they still fulfill Browning’s requirement of a three-year sequence in at least one language.
For Grade 9 students new to Browning, those with prior study in Latin, French, or Spanish will need to demonstrate proficiency in order to be placed in a level II course, or must choose either Mandarin I or Latin I. Browning requires three years of study in at least one world language, so these students will be expected to take the same language through level III.
Browning makes every effort to keep all nuts out of the menu. The kitchen does not cook with any nut oil, and there are no nuts in the food served at lunch and during snack time. Peanuts are not included on the lunch menu.
In an effort to maintain the aforementioned, we ask the following:
- All food brought into school must be nut- and nut oil-free. This includes food for any special celebrations and food brought during field trips, Field Day, etc.
- If you are at all uncertain of ingredients, please reach out to our head chef; she is happy to answer any questions.
- For prepackaged items, please read the label to determine if any nut or nut oil is an ingredient.
- If your son participates in any after-school program and leaves school to buy a snack between dismissal and the beginning of the program, please discuss with him our efforts to keep Browning nut-free and remember to buy nut-free snacks.
You will be sent information on how to access the Parent Portal soon after your son is fully enrolled. You may log in through the school website. You will find important information including a family directory and your child's report cards in this portal.
When your son has a playdate and is leaving directly from school, the teacher must receive notes from the parents of both children (both guest and host) explaining the plan.
Birthday Parties
We realize that it may not be possible to invite an entire class to a party held outside the School; therefore, please be sensitive to the feelings of the other boys who are not attending the festivities. Please invite the entire section or fewer than half.
Browning operates on a semester system, the first beginning in September, the second beginning in the middle of January.
All Lower School students receive mid-semester reports in November and April, which will be followed by parent-teacher conferences.
Middle and Upper School reports are sent home four times a year--at the midpoint and at the end of each semester.
The interim progress reports, sent out in the middle of each semester, describe a boy’s performance. The grades included with these reports indicate a boy’s current standing but are not used to calculate the yearly average.
School Store
Click here to stock up on all the latest Browning gear available for purchase in the School Store.
You will receive email in mid-August that will direct you to registration for Encore, chess, and music, as well as various sports programs, class rosters, and other important information you'll need to start the school year. You should receive this email mid-August.
The Department of Education (DOE) offers free yellow bus transportation to K – Grade 6 students within a defined geographic area. The NYC Bureau of Pupil Transportation sets the resident requirements for this service.
The DOE also provides MetroCards for boys of any grade level who reside within the five boroughs. The NYC Bureau of Pupil Transportation determines the guidelines as to who receives a full- or half-fare card and makes all final decisions regarding who is eligible for a MetroCard.
Please note that only one method of transportation may be selected, as per the DOE. (For example, a student who rides the DOE bus is not also eligible for a Metrocard.)
Browning also provides free private bus service for families that live downtown (below 40th Street).
Click here for frequently asked questions about buses and a list of bus stops for the 2023-2024 academic year (route is subject to change).
Towards the end of this school year, arrangements for bus and subway passes will be made through our front office. Homeroom teachers distribute passes to eligible students in September and January. If a bus pass is lost, the loss should be reported to the Director of Operations who will submit a claim for replacement. Please note that the replacement cards are issued by the city only at the beginning of the next month after the loss is reported, so a student will have to pay for his own transportation until his replacement card arrives.
NYC Transportation policy for a Metrocard:
- Grades K-6: Students must reside one mile or more from school.
- Grades 7-12: Students must reside 1 1/2 miles or more from school.
Please contact Theresa Rodriguez, Director of Operations, with any questions on DOE transportation options.
A deposit to secure enrollment for the next school year is due in February to the Office of Admission and Enrollment. Tuition payments thereafter are collected by the Business Office in July and December, or they can be made on a monthly basis through FACTS for an additional fee.
The School hosts events for incoming families in the spring prior to the coming year. You will receive invitations and information about such events from The Office of Admission. Closer to the start of the school year, you will receive information about fall events for new families.
Parents Association
Parent participation is strongly encouraged and welcomed on many fronts. The Parents Association is a very active group at Browning, providing our parents a wonderful way to get involved with the community. Meetings are open to all of our parents and include an update by Head of School John Botti and an opportunity to sign up for current committees.
The Parents Association is involved in organizing social events, sponsoring guest speakers, and supporting faculty development. Each year, the Parents Association hosts dynamic authors and educators at Browning. Topics have included the developmental needs of boys and adolescent socialization.
Parents Association Leadership
President, Sarah McGee
Vice-President, Alex Perruzzi
Second Vice-President, Shagun Mahandru
The Browning School is not just a school for boys; it is also a community for their families. As such, parent involvement is welcomed and encouraged. The Browning Parents Association supports the social, educational, and financial needs of the School and offers our parents a variety of ways to get involved.
The Parents Association welcomes all volunteers for the activities listed below.
The Browning Book Fair takes place each fall and promotes the love of reading while raising funds to support the school library. The event showcases books for all reading levels and features selected authors and illustrators who discuss their books in the classrooms prior to the fair.
Learning to play chess has been shown to enhance academic performance and mathematical ability and is a long-standing part of Browning’s Lower School curriculum. PA funding supplements chess in the classroom with after-school chess programs, Chess Club, Browning tournaments, and participation in local, state, and national tournaments.
The Browning Holiday Party is an annual cocktail reception that brings our parent community, alumni, past parents, and faculty together to celebrate the season. For one night, the School’s gym is festively transformed and guests enjoy viewing student artwork based on what they are studying in the classroom.
The goal of Project Cicero is to supplement and create libraries for children in under-resourced NYC public schools, pediatric hospital units, homeless shelters, community centers and wherever there is a need. Browning is one of over 50 NYC independent, public and parochial schools to participate. We collect new and gently used hardcover and paperback books in boxes set up in the lobby. The event takes place in March.
Throughout the year, the Parents Association sponsors speakers of interest to the Browning community who come to talk to parents on a variety of topics.
This all-community winter event sees three hours of thrilling games, onbstacle courses, carnival delights, and additional activities like face painting and balloon animals. Parents are invited to volunteer to assist.
Food Services
Browning has partnered with Cater To You as the food service provider to create daily meals that focus on optimal nutritional impact for the community.
School Store
Show your Panther Pride with the latest Browning gear! Some of our favorite items available for purchase in the school store include coffee mugs, hoodies, caps, footballs, pennants, and more!