Life at the Browning School
To educate the whole boy, Browning provides a supportive environment to help boys develop the traits and dispositions to become men who lead lives of purpose. Our community's wellbeing is enhanced through our advisory program, while we help boys understand their role in making the larger society better through our social impact and equitable practice programming.
The Boys’ School Difference
At Browning, we are a boys' school by choice, not chance. We help boys move beyond stifling and outdated conceptions of masculinity to embrace fuller lives of purpose. We know that stereotypes (whether positive or negative), are limiting and thus we model our academic instruction on nurturing boys' unique strengths with research-based educational strategies that will lead to deeper engagement and better learning outcomes.
As a school built on relationships, we recognize that boys have a deep need to be known, loved and valued by caring adults and their peers. We encourage all of our boys to excel within a wide variety of areas and we nurture their aspirations. But we also urge them to live the virtues of caring and concern and connection—to understand that it is neither a betrayal of their nature nor an irredeemable social risk to simply be nice, kind or loving.
Our mission calls our boys to “aspire to contribute meaningfully to our world.” That aspiration—with its language of contribution, of meaning, of shared community—reminds us that purpose (one of Browning four core values) is fulfilled not only through our boys' passions, but also by inculcating a sense that they owe something to the world beyond themselves.
We recognize that single-gender schools are somewhat countercultural or 'niche.' And we've heard all the misconceptions about boys' schools that center a stereotypical masculinity best left in the past. We invite you to see for yourself how welcoming and expansive Browning is as we educate today's boys to become men the world needs.
Student Support
Browning is a school built upon forming strong relationships in which boys are truly known by their teachers and our educational professionals. We strive to support each student in reaching his highest potential by meeting his academic, physical, and social-emotional needs. The Student Support Team (SST) is a collaborative group of educators who meet weekly in each division to plan for and facilitate the support and resources each student needs to thrive. The SST includes division heads, deans, counselors, our nurse, academic learning specialists, and the Director of Equitable Practices and Social Impact. This team works closely with teachers, families, and students to ensure the success of every Browning student.
The health of the whole child includes physical wellness. A dedicated full-time health educator and two counselors provide a comprehensive health and wellness curriculum across all three divisions.
We have two professionally-trained and certified counselors on campus, including our Director of Wellness who works primarily with grades K-6 and our upper grades counselor who works with students in grades 7-12. Additionally, a consulting psychologist supports the work of the wellness team, providing supplemental resources and counsel to faculty and families as needed. Our wellness team is key in the life of the school, working closely with students, faculty, administration, families, and outside professionals to ensure the mental and emotional health and wellness of our boys.
Offers student check-ins and meets with boys one-on-one to support their wellbeing.
Conducts social-emotional and life skills lessons in collaboration with our health educator.
Organizes targeted small groups to provide support and skill building.
Consults with classroom teachers regarding social-emotional, executive functioning, and conflict-resolution support for students.
Completes classroom observation of students as needed when questions arise about social-emotional challenges or learning differences.
Provides family education sessions and professional training for faculty.
Provides resources and referrals when outside support is needed.
The Browning School has a team of four full-time learning specialists who work directly with students and teachers to support the academic success of each student. Each division has a dedicated learning specialist, ensuring student progress from year to year throughout a boy’s Browning career. Additionally, a dedicated math specialist for Grades K-8 works directly with students to bolster their math skills, as well as supports teachers in curriculum development and pedagogical practices in the mathematics classroom.
Consults with teachers to provide pedagogical strategies to best meet the needs of all learners.
Offers targeted pull-out and push-in intervention for individuals or small groups.
Assists with academic progress monitoring and collects assessment data.
Provides study skills instruction and targeted individualized assistance with executive functioning skills.
Provides families with resources for home or outside support and collaborates with outside support providers.
Coordinates documentation and implementation of reasonable accommodations for individual students as needed.
Coordinates the implementation of universal (in all subjects and across all Middle and Upper School grade levels) organizational and executive functioning skills, such as note-taking, annotation, and graphic organizer use.
Middle & upper school
Clubs & Activities
- A Capella
- Art Club
- Chess Club
- Crypto Club
- Debate Club
- Environmental Club
- Film Club
- Gender-Sexuality Awareness Club
- Gender Studies and Feminism Club
- Investment Club
- Jazz Band Club
- Math Team
- Meditation
- Mock Trial
- Model United Nations
- Multicultural Club
- Newspaper
- Peer Tutoring
- Podcast
- Ping Pong
- Robotics Team
- Rocketry Team
- Student Council
- Social Impact Club
- Sustainability Club - “Green Team”
- Weightlifting
- Yearbook
Lower school
extended day
Encore (After School Enrichment Program)
Encore, an after school enrichment program, is available to our students every day from 3:15-4:45 p.m. Courses vary each semester and include classes such as athletics, robotics, coding, art, music, and quiet study. Students register at the beginning of each school term: fall, winter, and spring.
Summer Encore for Incoming Kindergarten Students
Browning’s Summer Encore camp is a one-week introductory program to welcome incoming Kindergarten boys through the red doors in a collaborative and fun environment. Under the supervision of Browning faculty, boys will be given the opportunity to form new friendships, engage in physical activity and outdoor play, and participate in an array of activities including art projects, math games, read alouds, science experiments and free play. Summer Encore is held in mid-June each year.
Chess for Kindergarten through Grade 3
Chess is an integral part of the Lower School curriculum, starting in Kindergarten and continuing through Grade Three. Our lead chess coach, and a team of professional chess masters teach the fundamentals of the game, including various defensive and offensive strategies. All students may continue chess after school and at the extracurricular level through Middle School. Browning has an active Chess Club, and many students participate in the Nationals every year.
All Groups
- African Diaspora Affinity Group
- Asian Affinity Group
- La Sociedad Latina
- Jewish Alliance Group
- Gender and Sexuality Alliance
The Middle School advisory program connects a caring adult to a student both in an individual and group setting to provide academic and social-emotional learning and support, and serve as a point person for families. Each Middle School student is carefully assigned a grade-level advisor who, in addition to leading his grade-level advisory group, also serves as his homeroom teacher. As his homeroom teacher, the advisor is scheduled to see each boy at the start of each day and thus provide guidance and support on an ongoing basis. Bimonthly full-period advisory meetings focus on topics relevant to navigating life in middle school - from friendship to identity to executive functioning.
The Advisory system connects each student to a faculty member who leads a group of eight to nine students as their advocate and adult resource during their Upper School years. A multifaceted approach weaves together the focused efforts of homeroom teachers, advisors, counselors, health educators, ethical technology educators, and peer guidance. Grade 9 and 10 students will be in advisory groups with their grade peers only, while Grade 11 and 12 students meet in mixed groups across those grades. Our Peer Leadership group is a team of Grade 12 students who meet regularly with Grade 9 students to discuss and advise the younger boys about the academic and social challenges ahead of them. Grade 10 students participate in the annual Frost Valley trip which brings together the sophomores from our peer single-sex schools – Brearley, Chapin, Collegiate, Nightingale-Bamford and Spence – for a retreat at the Frost Valley YMCA camp facility in the Catskills. During their three days in Frost Valley, students, led by peer leaders, attending faculty from all of the peer schools and outside facilitators, have the opportunity to talk about issues important to their social and academic lives. Organizations outside of Browning, such as FCD, Hallways and the Mount Sinai SAVI program, contribute their expertise to our SEL programming by meeting with the students of the Upper School to address issues such as sexuality, substance abuse and gender identity.
Peer Leadership/Key Society
The Grade 12 Peer Leadership and the Grade 11/12 Key Society programs allow our boys to serve the School while developing their own leadership skills, sense of identity, and sense of self as they prepare for a transition to college. These students are selected in a competitive process and trained rigorously.
Peer leaders work with Grade 9 boys to orient them to the Upper School, strengthen their bonds with one another and other Upper School students and facilitate important gatherings including the Grade 9 retreat and the Frost Valley trip with Interschool peers. They also attend the Grade 6 China Folk House trip as counselors.
Juniors and seniors in the Key Society serve as Browning’s ambassador group exemplifying its mission and core values. Through their experiences, the Key Society boys learn how to reflect thoughtfully on their time at Browning and showcase Browning in a way that goes beyond facts and figures to provide insight into how students lean into our mission.
Overnight Trips
Grade 5 visits the Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic Aquarium and Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center at Mystic, CT.
Grade 6 visits the China Folk House Retreat in Harpers Ferry, WV. On a sprawling 1,400-acre wilderness preserve, this cultural haven is dedicated to experiential learning and environmental stewardship. Grade 12 counselors accompany boys on this trip along with faculty members.
Grade 7 boys visit Black Rock Forest in Cornwall, NY, to broaden their studies of the natural world.
Grade 8’s trip to Washington, D.C. features an exploration of the responsibilities of citizenship and how public memory is created and preserved in our Nation's Capital.
One of the highlights of the Grade 9 curriculum is their study abroad program at The Island School in The Bahamas. This unique trip immerses students in hands-on scientific research, sustainable living practices, and the pursuit of solutions to real-world challenges.
In Grade 10 boys go to the Frost Valley YMCA camp in Claryville, NY, joining their peers from other Interschool single-gender schools. Students engage in thought-provoking discussions and enjoy outdoor activities.
Our Grade 11 and 12 boys take a three-day college trip at the beginning of the school year. This annual tradition plays a pivotal role in aiding juniors and seniors to explore a diverse array of colleges, potentially uncovering previously unconsidered options.
Upper School Browning students participate in international exchanges in collaboration with Marymount School and its partner schools in Colombia, France, and Italy. These experiences foster cross-cultural interactions and learning for our students, strengthening our global connections within our school community.
Social Impact
Keeping in mind the values of curiosity, dignity, and purpose, Browning students are encouraged to seek and participate in opportunities for social impact. The school maintains relationships with various community-based organizations and offers regular volunteering events. Boys lead fundraisers, food, clothing, and toy drives throughout the year, along with public awareness campaigns for important social issues. Much of this work is initiated by student councils, but any individual may bring an idea to the Office of Social Impact.
We are very proud that the service performed by the boys is entirely voluntary. Browning maintains a culture of giving in which boys understand their responsibilities to the communities that nurture them. Only with Senior Projects, our spring program for Grade 12 boys, is there a requirement that boys volunteer outside of the school. Senior Projects require a substantial commitment on the part of the boys. This rewarding and enriching experience symbolically caps a Browning boy’s career. Projects have included engagements with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Brooklyn Book Bodega, Grassroots Grocery, and New York Common Pantry.