Watch today’s boys and tomorrow’s men in action
At Browning your boy will experience intellectual challenge and support, a world of possibilities, a community where he will be known, loved and challenged.
Admission FAQs
The tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $65,625.
Yes. We make every effort to meet the financial needs of qualified applicants. Tuition assistance is available for students at all grade levels and is awarded solely on the basis of need. Admission decisions are made independently of financial need. Please visit our tuition and financial aid webpage to learn more about the application process and requirements.
A non-refundable application fee of $75 must accompany each application. This fee is waived if you are applying for tuition assistance. Please call the Office of Admission at 212.838.0205 to obtain a fee waiver code.
**The application deadline for K-12 is December 6, 2024. Due to a limited number of tour and interview slots, we encourage you to submit your application and schedule your appointments as soon as possible. If your application is received after all appointments have been filled, we will place your name on a wait list and you will be contacted if space becomes available.
All applicant files must be completed by January 9, 2024. A completed file includes an application, standardized test scores/reports and official school reports/transcripts.
In accordance with ISAAGNY, our notification dates are as follows. Please note that you must log in to your account on Ravenna on the appropriate date in order to view the admission decision.
Kindergarten: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Grades 1-8: Not before Thursday, February 13, 2025
Grades 9-11: Not before Friday, February 21, 2025
(Sibling and legacy applicants to Kindergarten may opt for Early Notification, in which case they would receive a decision on Friday, December 6, 2024.)
Attendance for all parents or guardians is not mandatory. We believe that the selection of a school is an important decision that is made easier when parents and guardians are fully informed and have a solid sense of the schools they are considering. We undersand that that employment and childcare can make it challenging for parents to attend in-person appointments and are happy to arrange Zoom interviews to relieve parents of this burden. If you are intersted in learning more, please contact the Office of Admission at 212-838-0205.
Early notification is available only for Kindergarten applicants. As soon as possible and, no later than Noveber 15 of the application year, please indicate your preference for either early or regular decision notification by contacting the Office of Admission. Siblings or legacies are eligible to receive early notification on December 6, 2024. If admitted, early notification applicants are expected to withdraw their applications from other ISAAGNY-affiliated schools.
Please note that early notification does not guarantee admission, and that sibling and legacy applicants are welcome to remain in the general pool if they wish.
If your son is a sibling or a legacy who will be applying for admission, please contact the Office of Admission no later than October 1 of the application year.
Browning is happy to offer fee waivers to eligible families. Please call the Office of Admission at 212-838-0205 to make your request and get further information.
Prospective Kindergarten families will have an opportunity to visit the School and hear from leadership and observe Kindergarten classes. We will share information about these visits in the early spring.
Kindly refrain from submitting personal letters of recommendation or “first choice” letters. These letters will not be considered as part of an applicant's file.
The only recommendations that we require are teacher recommendations that must be completed on the official forms from your account on Ravenna.
For all inquiries, please call the Office of Admission at 212-838-0205, or email Esther Nunoo at enunoo@browning.edu. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Browning facts
Academics FAQs
Browning’s average class size is 32 per grade level. Students are typically divided into two homeroom/advisory sections in the Lower School and three in the Middle School. In the Upper School there are approximately 14 advisories with no more than 10 boys in each.
Academic classes in the lower and middle divisions generally comprise of 16-18 students. In the upper division, class sizes can range from 8 (for advanced-level classes) to 17 students. There are also advanced classes (e.g. Applied Computer Science or Advanced Genetics Research, independent study in various subjects) with even smaller groups of students.
Browning’s student-teacher ratio is 6:1.
We generally aim to enroll 22-26 students in Kindergarten, and an additional 15 students in Grade 6.
We also enroll several boys in Grade 9 and encourage families who are interested in Browning to enter the application process with us for any grade, as we may experience attrition due to family relocations.
In the late spring before their Grade 9 year, we host activities for parents and the boys to get to know one another. A robust buddy program is also in place to assist all of our new boys acclimate to their new school. We work closely with division heads to assign new boys to their advisors or homeroom teachers. All Grade 9 students (regardless of how long they’ve been at Browning) attend Upper School Orientation together. The Grade 9 class trip takes place early in the fall to help the boys come together as a class.
Browning's warm and close community embraces of new students. When you walk into our cafeteria, it's virtually impossible to distinguish new boys from those who’ve been with us for some time.
We believe that homework should be meaningful, and that the purpose is to challenge the boys in extending and applying their learning in an independent manner.
In Grades 1-4, boys are assigned one or two daily review tasks to provide them with opportunities to practice retrieval of the material covered in school. The goal is for them to complete these tasks independently so that their teachers can assess their level of understanding. You’ve likely engaged with the research about how time spent reading closely relates to academic achievement, so we ask each boy to read daily for homework.
Middle School classes give 25-40 minutes of homework for each class meeting, while Upper School students can expect 30-45 minutes of homework for each class meeting. The work is meant to reinforce what was covered in class and introduce new topics for the boys to explore before they discuss it in greater depth the next day. Projects and take-home assessments may add to a boy’s workload at times as well. Reading is highly encouraged, as is following independent lines of inquiry.
The Department of Education (DOE) offers free yellow bus transportation to K – Grade 6 students within a defined geographic area. The NYC Bureau of Pupil Transportation sets the resident requirements for this service.
The DOE also provides MetroCards for boys of any grade level who reside within the five boroughs. The NYC Bureau of Pupil Transportation determines the guidelines as to who receives a full- or half-fare card and makes all final decisions regarding who is eligible for a MetroCard.
Please note that only one method of transportation may be selected, as per the DOE. (For example, a student who rides the DOE bus is not also eligible for a Metrocard.)
Browning also provides free private bus service for families that live downtown (below 40th Street).
Towards the end of this school year, arrangements for bus and subway passes will be made through our front office. Homeroom teachers distribute passes to eligible students in September and January. If a bus pass is lost, the loss should be reported to the Director of Operations who will submit a claim for replacement. Please note that the replacement cards are issued by the city only at the beginning of the next month after the loss is reported, so a student will have to pay for his own transportation until his replacement card arrives.NYC Transportation policy for a Metrocard:
Grades K-6: Students must reside one mile or more from school.
Grades 7-12: Students must reside 1 1/2 miles or more from school.
Click here for frequently asked questions about buses and bus stops.
Encore, an after school enrichment program, is available to our students in Kindergarten - Grade 4 every day until 4:45 p.m. Courses include athletics, robotics, performance, music classes, and quiet study. Students register at the beginning of each school term.
We adhere strictly to the September 1 cutoff, and we strive to have a well-balanced class with respect to the age range that is typically represented in Kindergarten classes. While in some cases, boys who turn 5 in July or August may benefit from spending an additional year in an early childhood program so that they are prepared socially and emotionally for Kindergarten, there are many boys with summer birthdays who are ready for the academic and social activities that we offer boys in their first year at Browning.
We welcome applications from all families whose sons will turn 5 by September 1 of the year of entry, and are happy to answer specific questions parents may have about their son and their readiness.
All Kindergarten applicants must attend a 60-minute playgroup with up to five other boys. An admission evaluator leads the group in age-appropriate activities that allow us to get to know the boys in a relaxed setting. Boys should dress comfortably and be ready to have fun! There is no programming for parents or guardians during this appointment, so anyone can bring the child to his visit.
We understand that your plans may change due to unforeseen circumstances, so please feel free call us if you need to reschedule an appointment. We will do our best to honor your scheduling requests and to find a new, mutually convenient time. **We kindly ask that you contact us at least three days in advance so that we may schedule another family in your place. If your son is sick, please do call us to reschedule his playgroup or visit. We are more than happy to have him come once he is healthy!
Modern languages are introduced in Grade 1. Students take French and Spanish for one semester each in Grades 1 and 2, and then study the languauge of their choice for the full year starting in Grade 3. Students in Grade 6 and above may choose to study Spanish, French, or Latin. Introductory classes in Madarin and Latin are offered to stduents in Grade 9. Incoming students to Grade 9 may study Spanish or French is they have prior expereicne with the language.
Browning is located at 52 East 62nd Street, between Park and Madison Avenues.
There are several subway and bus lines that are conveniently located within close proximity of Browning:
4, 5, or 6 trains to 59th Street
Q train to 63rd Street/Lexington Avenue
M1 or M2 to Madison Avenue/58th Street
M3 or M4 to Madison Avenue/57th Street
M 57 or M 66 to Madison Avenue
Our Team
Kelly West, Director of Admission
gary norcross, Assistant Director of Lower School Admission
JANETTA LIEN, Assistant Head of School/Director of Enrollment
James ha, Assistant Director of Middle and Upper School Admission
esther nunoo, senior admission officer
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