Alumni Council Hosts First Meeting of 2016-17

The first Alumni Council meeting of the school year was held on September 19 in the Kurani Gym. The special guest at this meeting was Laurie Gruhn, assistant head of school and head of Lower School. In her report to the group, she spoke about the smooth transition to a new Head, the start of a new school year and plans for the future. Ms. Gruhn is in her 19th year at Browning, and the Alumni Association was thrilled to have her there to kick off the meeting. Reports from Alumni Association President Andy Sandberg ’01, Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan, Director of Institutional Advancement Jim Simon and the alumni committee chairs were also presented. In addition, another major focus of the meeting concerned alumni giving to the 2015-16 Annual Fund; the Alumni Council reached 100% participation once again, and the Alumni Association as a whole reached 19% participation. The Council wishes to remind all alumni that these meetings are open to all members of the Alumni Association; one need not be serving on the Council in order to attend. Please reach out to Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan if you are interested in receiving Council meeting updates and reminders. Thanks to all who participated in this first meeting of the year!
