2015 Varsity Cross Country

The varsity cross country team participated in the NYCAL Championships at Van Cortland Park. With a slight breeze and a sunny sky, the running conditions were excellent, but the tone of the event was somber following the loss of the young man from Loyola earlier in the week. Spectators, coaches and participants observed a moving minute of silence in his memory. In terms of Browning’s runners, Ivan Maslennikov, the captain and best runner on the team, was suffering from a cold and made the wise decision not to run. Moreover, two weeks ago, one the five top runners decided to quit the cross-country squad for personal reasons. As a result, Browning's remaining runners, feeling diminished both in number and morale, struggled to generate the energy and focus required for a strong finish. I, along with the boys who are committed to the sport, are eager to put this season behind us and focus on energy in the 2016 season.

--Coach Dominique Bernard

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