2016 Junior Varsity Soccer

The junior varsity soccer team, captained by Philip Raftopolous (Form V), Max Beem (Form III) and Ryan Eagan (Form III), played a 10-game season and finished the year with a 3-7 record. The boys were fifth in the standings and almost made the playoffs; this was a step up from a 1-9 record the previous year.

Overall, there was a great turn-out for JV soccer, with 30 players on the roster. The boys each had varying levels of experience, with some having played for outside travel teams and others trying soccer for the first time. By the end of the season, each player had built his fitness level and enhanced his teamwork and individual skills. The boys worked hard against very skilled opponents and played in a lot of evenly matched contests. We were impressed by the boys’ commitment and dedication toward practice, as well as their work ethic during games. We look forward to continuing to build a strong team.

--Coaches Lauck Blake and Mike Cohn

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