Form III Boys Travel to Pine Forest Camp

On Thursday morning, October 9, Form III boys pulled away on a coach bus from the curb of East 62nd St. on their way to Greeley, Pa., for the annual two-day Form III Pine Forest trip. Leading the boys were Head of Upper School James Reynolds, Classics Department Chair John Young and Michael Cohn, Browning's newest PE department member. Two hours later, the group arrived at the Pine Forest Camp for a day of canoeing and high-rope, zip-line and rock-wall experiences led by a team of outdoors facilitators from the Mountain Workshop.

Mr. Reynolds reports: The first day, activities focused on team building and personal challenges, and the boys had a great time on the lake and climbing elements. Evening events included a hilarious Win in in a Minute-style competition in which the boys were divided into teams and given challenges to complete in 60 seconds, which might help explain the photograph of students with Oreos on their foreheads! The boys had to get the cookies from there to their mouths without using their hands. The evening ended with a bonfire and S'mores.

Day two was dedicated to rafting down the Delaware River. The boys, most in wet suits, broke into groups of four to five and paddled six miles down the river. The weather was beautiful, and the surrounding riverbank cliffs of New York to the east and Pennsylvania to the west were spectacular. A highlight of the trip was the opportunity to see a bald eagle perched on a tree limb overhanging the river before it launched itself into full flight. The group returned to Browning in the late afternoon on Friday and headed off to the long weekend. The trip was a great success for all!
