"A Bright Room Called Day" Premieres Tonight

Tickets are now on sale for the Brearley production utilizing three Browning students, "A Bright Room Called Day." The drama will be presented tonight through October 25 at The Brearley School beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets can be reserved by emailing dramainfo@brearley.org

"A Bright Room Called Day," one of Tony Kushner's first plays, is the story of Agnes and a group of artists living in pre-World War II Berlin just as the Nazis are coming into political power. Director Michael Baldwin notes, "As is Kushner's style, the play is fiercely political and imaginative, at times surreal, very human and relatable. The young men from Browning have been wonderful and are turning in stellar performances." Mr. Kushner also wrote "Angels in America" and "Lincoln."
