Alumnus and Wall Street Journal Columnist Features Browning

Just as the Browning community prepares to attend a festive 125th birthday celebration, more exciting “news” comes their way. In today’s (October 3) edition of The Wall Street Journal, columnist Ralph Gardner, a 1971 graduate of The Browning School, muses on his time at Browning, recalling faculty members who still serve the School today: “Michael Ingrisani, the ever-youthful dean of faculty, may be the only teacher left from my time. Sanford Pelz, a classmate of mine, ably serves as Browning’s director of college guidance.”

Mr. Gardner’s column, “Urban Gardner,” also mentions some of Browning’s well-known alumni. He mentions the fact that the most recent Browning Buzzer magazine and accompanying replica of the inaugural 1920 Buzzer (which he read nearly cover to cover) prompted him to choose Browning as his topic today: “Indeed, the publication in my hand was a replica of the inaugural issue, produced in honor of Browning’s 125th anniversary. The milestone is being celebrated at the School this weekend.”

Click here to read “Still Buzzing About Browning.”
