First Grade Boys Present “Stone Soup”

“Stone Soup,” a folk tale told in many countries and a 1947 classic by Marcia Brown, emphasizes cooperation and resourcefulness, two “basics” that first grade Browning boys have come to respect. In fact, the boys’ production on Thursday, April 10 is an excellent example of applying their knowledge and knack for showmanship on stage.

The boys presented “Stone Soup” for an audience of parents and community members. Their enunciation and projection skills were impressive, as was their spirited singing of “The Sharing Song” adapted by Lucy Warner, Lower School music specialist, who assisted with choreography. The program notes include recognition of all those who helped make the boys’ production such a success: “The first grade would like to thank Ms. Warner for such a beautiful song; the Browning maintenance department for setting up today; the technology department for help with projection; Ms. Gruhn (Head of Lower School) for your support; and finally, our parents for their love and support!” Of course, the boys also have their terrific teachers and assistant teachers to thank as well, including Ms. Epstein, Ms. Rossman, Ms. Harwood and Ms. Rowland.

