Lower School Science Exhibition: A Total Team Effort!

Science Department Chair Sam Keany and Stephanie Seto, science teacher, are pleased to report that a "team effort" helped make the May 13 Lower School Science Exhibition a success for all involved. The boys were eager to show what they had achieved; likewise, their parents and other classroom teachers were pleased to view the culmination of the boys' work. The event was held in the cafeteria during the first period of the day.

Mr. Keany and Ms. Seto said, "Many thanks to all of those who helped the boys and us make this a successful forum to present the work done in science class. We received help and support from the library staff and technology department, as well as Elizabeth Cooper-Mullin, Jeremy Katz '04 and Melanie McMahon. Christine Bramble welcomed parents in the Lobby, while the cafeteria and maintenance staffs helped in so many ways. Head of Lower School Laurie Gruhn, the second and third grade homeroom teachers and the science teachers made it possible for the older boys to visit the exhibition and support the Lower Schoolers. Thank you all for ensuring that the boys enjoyed a very positive experience!"

Ms. Gruhn added, "This enormous effort was led by Mr. Keany and Ms. Seto who guided the boys through careful and thoughtful problem-solving and the process of the scientific method.They taught those valuable lessons of following through from hypothesis to conclusion, overseeing more than 60 individual projects, iPad management, and in some cases, live critters! As I told the parents, this exhibition, in many ways, is 21st century learning at its best. The boys learned to plan creatively, think logically, articulate clearly and accept responsibility for their work.
