May Day Play: Lower School Bus Tour Takes in City Sights

Second grade boys brightened the first day of May with their playful and musical production of “Welcome to NYC – A-Z.” They gleefully provided their audience of family and faculty with a tour of New York City on the Browning bus created under the guidance of art teacher Zack Davis. Boys in all three divisions of the School (Lower, Middle and Upper) banded together to help paint the colorful, flower-strewn double-decker bus (complete with tourists and their cameras!) which stopped at such popular venues as Madison Avenue, the Bronx Zoo, the Brooklyn Bridge and Yankee Stadium, to name but a few, with The Browning School its final destination. The boys, through humorous rhymes and choral interjections, acted as tour guides and explained the significance of each stop on the tour.

Head of Lower School Laurie Gruhn congratulated the boys on their terrific production and thanked all those involved, including the parents who helped the boys learn their lines and the teachers, including Hallie Fischberg, Rachel Gerber, Jackie Pellenberg and Lucy Warner, who were such a large part of this successful presentation.
