Applause, Applause for “Space Junk” Premiere!

Seven boys from the third and fourth grades performed the world premiere of the short play, “Space Junk,” at a Lower School assembly on May 8. “Space Junk” was written and directed by Head Librarian Sarah Murphy, who provides this report: “The play is a science fiction tale of four astronauts discovering intelligent life on a planet populated by aliens who listen to vinyl, watch VHS, and dress like Victorian street urchins. With the help of their new friends, the astronauts learn a little about their own planet’s past.”

Ms. Murphy added, “The show was followed by a Q&A with the cast, and the actors revealed that learning their lines is the easy part. Finding actions to match their words, listening to the other actors on stage, and staying in character are all much more difficult. With scenery by art teacher Zack Davis and a Form VI student, technical assistance from Glenn Walker, and an assistant director from Grade Five, 'Space Junk' was a true community endeavor.” Ms. Murphy explained that she used many of her own favorite possessions as props, including old computers, a record player and a VHS player.
