Form VI Boys Take on Challenges During Class Retreat

On the first Friday of the school year, College Guidance Counselor Sanford Pelz and Upper School Head James Reynolds accompanied Form VI boys on a retreat to the Sal J. Prezioso Mountain Lakes Park in northern Westchester County for a day of activities, including low- and high-ropes challenges. Mr. Reynolds reports: "The weather was gorgeous, and the boys were enthusiastic and fully engaged with both the activities and each other. Under the guidance of facilitators from the Mountain Workshop, the ropes challenges gave the boys the opportunity to operate in teams as well as to challenge themselves individually. The class worked cohesively on the low-ropes courses and fully supported each member as he pushed himself to try to complete the high-ropes elements."

Mr. Reynolds added, "It was a perfect start for what we all hope will be a very successful year for the Class of 2015. The boys demonstrated all of the qualities that have made this class standouts already: courage, ambition, empathy and 'grytte'. "
