Browning Team Sweeps Interschool Science Bowl
Department Chair and Dean of Students Sam Keany offers the following news about Browning’s Science Bowl Team: “I am excited to report that on November 21, the team won in convincing fashion in the Interschool Science Bowl. Competing against teams from Brearley, Chapin, Dalton, host school Spence, and Trinity, the ‘science Panthers’ made it to the finals with a 4-1 record in the preliminary rounds. Meeting Trinity in the finals for the third straight year, Browning immediately shot ahead with a series of correct toss-up questions (worth four points each) and follow-up bonus questions (worth 10 points each), amassing a lead that the Trinity team never challenged. The final score of the game was Browning 130, Trinity 58.”
Mr. Keany extended congratulations to the Browning team composed of boys from Form III to Form VI, all of whom played in at least one match, and, of course, to their inspiring coach and science teacher Melodie Ting! He added that in a positive turn, the logistics for the tournament were completely organized by Spence’s student team members, and he hopes future host school teams will follow suit.