Biodiversity Day: A Browning "First"
On May 22, Biodiversity Day, Browning's Green Team invited Middle and Upper School students to join forces with a group of enthusiastic naturalists to participate in National Geographic's Great Nature Project. Science teacher and advisor to the Green Team Emilie Wolf, who organized the day with fellow science teacher Dr. Betty Noel, reports: "Using the citizen science app iNaturalist, our teams completed a biodiversity survey of the South-East segment of Central Park. Within one hour, over 200 observations of the flora and fauna of Central Park were logged, and a mysterious animal skull was found! Diversity snapshots like this gather information about the inhabitants of Central Park at a given time. By monitoring the same area regularly, the information will help agencies such as the Central Park Conservancy keep track of how the park and its inhabitants are doing. The Green Team hopes Browning continues to invest time and effort into preserving our broader community and beloved Central Park."
Browning alumnus Ralph Gardner, Jr. '71, columnist for The Wall Street Journal, visited Browning for Biodiversity Day and focused the May 27 edition of "Urban Gardner" on his experience. Click here to read.