Winter '16 Athletics Wrap-up

On March 4, the Athletic Department held its annual Winter Sports Assembly for the Middle and Upper Schools in the Upper Gym. The 2015-16 winter season at Browning was filled with highlights and rebuilding. From the very beginning, the basketball season marked a new era here at Browning, in which outside coaches joined Browning coaches to offer experienced instruction and strategies that enhanced the hoops experience for our students. Also joining the Browning coaching ranks as the new squash coach, Roland Lafontant, the head squash professional at the Harmonie Club, who has successfully taken on the task of building a cadre of players interested in learning the game and coaching Browning’s first competitive squash team.

Athletic Director Andrew West ’92 sums up the winter athletics season this way: All and all, it was a great season for Browning athletics, and I am very confident that the program and the athletes are headed in the right direction! I wanted to thank the Parent Association for starting the Athletic Pledges at the benefit last year.  The support allowed us to expand the Squash Program, as well as hire expert coaches from the outside to come in and augment our in-house staff of coaches. The entire Athletic Department thanks you! 

  Pictured above are our MVPs with their coaches.