Seniors Volunteer Time & Energy During Final Weeks of School Year
Every year, Form VI boys participate in Senior Projects during the last three weeks of the school year, volunteering with nonprofit organizations across the city. Advisor Janet Lien reports as follows:
On June 13, the boys presented on their work to members of the Browning community, including the faculty and Form V boys. The Form VI boys worked at a broad spectrum of organizations, including the Wild Bird Fund, the New York Common Pantry, the New York Public Library, and the American Museum of Natural History. Several new partnerships were formed this year as a result of the boys' wide range of interests, especially in the arts (Dieu Donne and Art in General), the sciences (Weill Cornell Brain and Spine Center), and service to the elderly (Health Advocates for Older People) and the homeless (the shelter at St. James' Church). During their presentations, the seniors discussed the mission of their host organizations as well as how they felt they contributed during their time there. The boys attacked their tasks, be it physical work (such as shoveling and gardening in community gardens) or filing in an office, with equal readiness. As they discussed their takeaways, the seniors encouraged Form V boys to start early in planning their community service projects next year and to seek something that aligns with their interests. At the end of the program, Headmaster Clement remarked that the community service projects reflected the Mission and Diversity Statements of the School in many ways: the boys' work covered a range of subjects (history, biology, technology, art, ornithology, economics, foreign language) and their engagement with the community demonstrated empathy (towards the elderly, the homeless, underserved children, abused animals, or injured birds). Mr. Clement also invited the faculty to the front of the Lower Gym to acknowledge and thank them for their guidance of the boys over the years.