Lower School Closing “Puts a Little Love in Our Hearts!”

Lower School boys celebrated the closing of their school year at Christ Church on June 8, beginning with a performance of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” by the Strings of Spring Orchestra comprised of Lower School musicians on violin, cello and guitar. Assistant Head of School and Head of Lower School Laurie Gruhn welcomed attendees, congratulated the boys on their accomplishments, and wished them a great summer, while Head of School John Botti offered his thanks to community members and all those involved in the closing for a job well done.

Mr. Botti made a point of describing two of his favorite Browning traditions, namely the enjoyment he gains from “high-fiving” the boys at the beginning of Lower School Assemblies, as well as the spirited singing of the School Song at each of those gatherings. He also praised Music Department Chair Lucy Warner, who oversaw the program’s music and choreography, for her “inspiration and imagination.”

Under Ms. Warner’s direction, the boys raised their voices in song accompanied by fellow musicians playing ukulele, drums, piano, saxophone and trumpet. Between musical numbers with lyrics describing the Lower School years, each fourth grade boy stood proudly at the microphone, thanking teachers, parents and siblings for their instruction, love and support. These “rising” Middle School students also made note of their favorite academic subjects, class trips and extracurricular activities.

In a nod to the theme of the program, “Put a Little Love in Your Heart,” the finale featured a fitting and heartwarming performance of this well-known song. Congratulations, Lower School boys!
