2019 Fall Season Wrap-up
Cross country runner Ryan E. ’20 took first place at both the NYCAL and NYSAIS State Championship.
The fall season was filled with lots of exciting action and some amazing accomplishments. The highlight of the season was the performance of the varsity cross country team, particularly the gold medal finish for Ryan E. ’20 at the NYSAIS Cross Country Championship. Throughout the season the boys worked hard, resulting in personal records for all our runners. The middle school cross country team also trained hard this season, with boys building up to four and five miles runs.
This year’s varsity soccer team was young but skilled, as the junior varsity soccer team, in a rebuilding year, added seven new starting players with six returners. The 7/8 soccer team worked hard the entire season and although games did not always go their way, the boys gave it their best effort. The 5/6 soccer team finished their second season with a 5-2 record. The boys played great all year, showing tremendous growth as the season progressed and the competition got stronger.