Middle School Parents Read Program Meets with Great Success

This year Head of Middle School Danielle Passno has initiated a monthly Middle School Parents Read forum that invites parents to join in reading selected works about pedagogy, parenting and adolescence, followed by discussion. 

“Our first Parents Read was a chapter on parenting for purpose from William Damon's 'The Path to Purpose.' Our second Read was on four articles about the Fortnite craze,” Ms. Passno said. "Approximately 35 parents attended. We are following up with a discussion between our parent grade reps and faculty to put together suggestions on how best to approach parenting [on these issues]."

Ms. Passno feels that the biggest success of the Parents Read events has been the opportunity for parents to get together to discuss the big questions of parenting. 

“I’ve loved partnering with them on this endeavor!” she said. “Future Reads may include a chapter from ‘Make It Stick’ about the science of successful learning or one from ‘The Parents We Mean to Be’ about raising ethical kids. We're also considering screening the Mr. Rogers documentary, ‘Won't You Be My Neighbor?’ about spreading kindness, love and respect for children.”
