Robotics Team Wins at FIRST Regionals
Team Ultro won awards for their gracious professionalism and formidable coding skills.
The Upper School Robotics team went undefeated in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) regionals championship competition, for a record of 8–0. We can truly say we have the best robot and engineers in the city, here at Browning!
Additionally, during this competition, our boys were recognized with the “Inspire” award, given to a team that displays gracious professionalism by connecting and motivating other teams, as well as the “Control” award for their formidable coding skills.
Earlier in the season, during the super qualifiers, the boys were recognized with the coveted “Innovation” award, given to the team with the most creative design solution.
The team was set to advance to the world championship in Detroit, which was canceled due to the global pandemic.