2014 5th and 6th Grade Soccer

On October 29, Browning played its first-ever 5th/6th grade soccer game against another school. Normally, the Randalls Island Soccer program is an intramural round-robin tournament, with the members of the winning team being awarded t-shirts for their accomplishment. The coaches report  that this year, however, the season ended with "a real game, with real referees, on a real field in Central Park vs. St. David's School." They provide further details, as follows:

As coaches, we selected 11 boys from each grade to represent Browning, and they put up a truly valiant effort against a St. David's team that had played a full schedule of games previous to this one.

Even though St. David's came away with a 3-0 victory, the game truly did not reflect that score. The first goal came after a hard shot was inadvertently deflected into the net by a Browning defender, and the final 2 goals came in the waning moments of the game. The boys showed tremendous resilience throughout and were able to hold their heads high when the final whistle blew.

As the teams shook hands and left the field, one of the referees commented, "Your team did not look at all like a group that had only played intramurals up to now. You have some very talented young men out there." Everyone who was there supporting Browning could not have agreed more.

Coaches West, Wallace and Wolf

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