2014 Middle School Cross Country

The Middle School cross country team took off with a bang this fall. The enthusiasm and eagerness of our runners were unmatched. Form II was represented by two boys, Michael Kassis '19 and Patrick McAllister '19, while five boys from Form I filled out the pack, including Ryan Aotani '20, Logan Flynn '20, Alexander Kwok '20, Sharif Nsouli '20 and Giovanni Taveras '20. We practiced twice a week in Central Park, one day for distance, one day for speed. On Thursdays the team trekked to Van Cortlandt Park to compete against other middle school teams in a 1.5 mile co-ed race. Patrick's name could always be found among the top 10 finishers, for which reason he earned MVP. Each runner's time improved over the course of the season, which ended leaving us wanting more.

Coach Young

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