Famous Spanish-speaking People Visit Browning

Spanish teacher Giurissa A. F. Grace reports that for the first part of their second semester project, the grade 5 Spanish class researched a famous Spanish-speaking male figure, wrote biographical reports incorporating the grammar and vocabulary they have learned, and presented their reports in Spanish dressed as their historical figures. Browning was visited by the following people: Argentinian writer Julio Cortázar, Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, Argentinian dictator Augusto Pinochet, Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, Colombian artist Fernando Botero, Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist Salvador Dalí, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, Castilian nobelman and military leader El Cid, Guatemalan writer Miguel Ángel Asturias, Mexican artist Diego Rivera, Nicaraguan writer Rubén Darío, Puerto Rican educator and philosopher Eugenio María de Hostos, Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, and Dominican visionary and founding father Juan Pablo Duarte. ¡Bravo!
