Browning Boys Go Birding!

It's a sure sign of spring at Browning when Middle School boys become birders, and this year was no exception. Head of Middle School Chris Dunham, along with science teacher Betty Noel, accompanied fifth grade boys to Central Park last week to study many of the birds they had discussed in class. Roger Pasquier, a native New Yorker, former Director of Foundations for the National Audubon Society, Inc., and famed birder, had spoken to the boys earlier during a visit to Browning. He returned to the School (as he has done in prior years) and kindly accompanied each class on a tour of the park where he pointed out numerous species, from robins, to various types of woodpeckers, to grackles, to the city's famous red-tailed hawk, Pale Male, who was twice spotted scanning the park for pigeons and squirrels.

From the moment they stepped on to the sidewalk, the boys began searching for birds and recording their findings. Mr. Dunham held up photos for the boys to view and aid in their sightings, while Mr. Pasquier answered questions and helped students spot the many birds along the way.

Browning boys study birds and their migration in the spring, as it is the best time of year to do so. Central Park attracts numerous migrating birds drawn to this scenic area even in the midst of so many buildings. A number of the boys expressed their pleasure at spying so many species, as well as their enjoyment at being in the park and the "great outdoors." The bright yellow forsythia and budding trees in Central Park were a picturesque backdrop to the nests and birds they soon discovered. Before heading back to Browning, the boys posed for photos on the beautiful Bow Bridge and Bethesda Fountain.
