Forms V and VI Explore New England Schools on Annual College Trip
On September 16, the Forms V and VI boys boarded a coach bus to embark on Browning’s annual college trip. Led by Director of College Guidance Sanford Pelz '71, with assistance from Head of Upper School James Reynolds (who offers this report), along with faculty members Kevin Dearinger and Brett Wisniewski, the boys headed to New Haven where they toured Yale and the University of New Haven.
At Yale, they were delighted to have the opportunity to catch up with Browning alumnus Ben Jacobs '13 who walked the campus with the group. After lunch and a tour at the University of New Haven, they boarded the bus and headed to another UNH, the University of New Hampshire. In Durham, the boys grabbed dinner at an outdoor activities jamboree that was underway on the UNH campus. Amidst marching bands, goats (from the agriculture school) and campus clubs, which had set up tables to promote their particular focus, the boys got a sense of what that large, public university offers. From UNH, the group went to Wells, Maine, where they spent the night.
Day two of the trip included visits to Bowdoin College (tour, information session and lunch), Colby College (tour and information session) and Bates College (tour and dinner). Many were struck by the distinctive campus cultures that differentiated these small, private liberal arts institutions. It was also a day of brief but highly enjoyable reunions with Browning alums: JR Chansakul '12 at Bowdoin, Oliver Shawn '12 at Colby, and, at Bates, the Pelz twins, Jonathan and Christopher '12, as well as Michael Florentino ’14.
After one more night at the hotel in Wells, the final day of the trip included a tour and lunch at Babson College, in Wellesley, Mass., and a tour of Olin College of Engineering, a next-door neighbor to Babson.
This trip, which we still believe is unique to Browning, provided our juniors and seniors with exposure to a wide range of colleges from which to begin to make their decisions about what type of school would be right for them. And it was tremendously gratifying for the faculty on the trip to see our young alumni thriving at their respective colleges.
Yale University

University of New Haven

Bowdoin College

Colby College

Bates College

Babson College

Olin College of Engineering