Library’s Reading Terrace is Officially Open

Head Librarian Sarah Murphy organized a September 28 “doughnut reception” with Form VI boys to commemorate the official opening of the Browning Library’s Reading Terrace. Boys in Forms V and VI, as well as faculty members, may use this outdoor space during their free time. According to Ms. Murphy, teachers may also elect to bring a class or small group out onto the terrace.

She added, “I hope that the community will take advantage of the nice weather in weeks to come and spend some time in the new space. I want to thank Upper School Head Jim Reynolds, Dean of Students Sam Keany and Director of Facilities and Security Ken Marshall and his staff for helping get the terrace in working order. And thanks to Headmaster Clement for the vision for this space: a place to read and a place to enjoy!”

Mr. Clement provided details about the trellises hung on the brick wall, "During the excavation of the back yard, which had been used for drying laundry and as a batting cage among other purposes, much debris was found under the cracked concrete surface. These six metal assemblages appear to have been fairly elaborate (discarded) window grates. They have been cleaned and preserved by the contractor and installed by the architect as potential trellises for trained ivy plants. In the meantime, they are bas relief sculptures."
