The Browning School is built around the idea that relationships are the key to a boy’s success.
Ours is a learning community where faculty members reach out to meet their students’ needs and respond to a boy’s passions and talents. We foster a climate in which boys are both known and loved—where they are seen and heard, given both freedom and boundaries, and consistently encouraged to find lasting meaning in their education.
Academic achievement blooms when boys feel respected, encouraged, and pushed as learners. Our teachers demand high standards, allowing our boys to deepen their love of learning. We are proud to have an academic program that offers boys of all ages both challenge and engagement, invites them to think deeply and communicate clearly, and takes them on a transformative journey into the world of ideas.
Great boys’ schools give the distinctive joys, concerns, and complexities of boyhood the attention and respect they deserve. At Browning, we intentionally cultivate deep relationships that take boys’ intellectual and emotional experiences seriously. I invite you to explore the ways in which our school knows, loves and challenges our boys so that they may grow into the excellent students, dedicated friends, and decent men whose lives will influence others for the better.
Dr. John M. Botti
Head of School
Get our NEW guide: BUILDING Stronger Relationships with Boys
At the Browning School, in addition to providing an excellent academic foundation, we support boys’ needs for deep relationships and an enduring sense of purpose. Find out the eight keys to success.
Dr. Botti’s Margin Notes Blog
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