Celebrating Our Middle School Boys!

Browning's Middle School Closing Assembly, held on June 7 in the Kurani Gym, honored the community built in the Middle School over the course of this year, as well as the hard work of our students, according to Head of Middle School Danielle Passno. Middle School accolades and prizes were presented during this special assembly, with two groups of musical performers adding to the celebration, including Form II hand chimes and Middle School Choir. “Our goal was to celebrate the life and people of the Middle School and all that we've accomplished together," said Ms. Passno. "I'm pleased to say that we did just that!"

Form II parents were invited to attend, with some Form II boys giving speeches and the entire class recognized with a slide show. Ms. Passno addressed the boys, while their advisors spoke about the class as well. A  boutonniere pinning ceremony and a final class photo added to the festivities for this particular group of boys. Afterward, the Form II students, their parents and Browning faculty were invited to a reception in the cafeteria. Congratulations to all!
